# Built-in Components

Thanks to Using Vue in Markdown (opens new window) feature of VuePress, we can directly use Vue components in Markdown files.

In order to better display the content of the document, the theme has built-in several useful components, which you can use directly in any Markdown file.

Built-in components are available out of the box, and you can still write Markdown syntax content in the components.

Currently, the following components are mainly built-in:

# Block Component

The Block component is mainly used to divide the page structure. Each Block component is a content group. It is convenient for you to control the page structure freely and flexibly.





# Example Component

The Example component is used to specify the content of the dark area on the right in the <Block> component. It can clearly identify the current part of the content as a use case.





Some examples...



# CURL Component

The CURL component is a very useful component for better displaying curl commands when writing APIs.

For example, the following content will be rendered into the form on the right:

curl -X POST https://api.example.com/v1/auth/login \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer [Mock token from .env file provided by vuepress-plugin-define]' \
  --data '{
    "username": "my-username",
    "password": "my-password"

The CURL component will automatically generate a button below the component. When the button is clicked, it will analyze the parameters in the curl command and send a request via Ajax to the corresponding url. And output its request information to the console panel. Convenient for quick test and preview.

curl -X POST http://api.example.com/api/auth/login \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer [Mock token from .env file provided by vuepress-plugin-define]' \
  --data '{
    "username": "my-username",
    "password": "my-password"


curl -X GET https://api.github.com/users/sqrthree
curl -X GET https://api.github.com/users/sqrthree

In addition, the content of curl on the right can be directly edited and then sent the request with changes. The modification will take effect immediately. This is very useful when you want to modify some parameters temporarily.

# Button Component

The Button component can be used anywhere on any page. You can use it to point to a link or some special content.

The supported parameters are as follows:

Name Type Description Default
to String page link ""
size String Set the size of button, values: small | large ""
light Boolean Whether to use light theme false

Use the following code to render a button:

<Button>Default state</Button>


Page link:

<Button to="/">Homepage</Button>



More use cases:

<Button light>Light theme</Button>
<Button to="https://github.com/sqrthree/vuepress-theme-api" light>Page link</Button>
Page Link
<Button size="small" light>Other size</Button>

# Section Component

The Section component is a special layout form, mainly used in Homepage Layout. Refer to Homepage | Build for RESTful API to preview.

Name Type Description Default
theme String Set the theme dark \| light "dark"
center Boolean The specify which way that content is aligned true
enhancedMode Boolean Whether to enable enhanced mode true

Enhanced mode

Enhanced mode means that the Section component breaks through the limit of the parent element width and achieves the same effect as the width of the browser window.

The configuration used in the homepage:


## Build for RESTful API

A easy-to-use, minimalist theme for VuePress.

With out-of-the-box feature, all you need to do is install it and write something.


<Button type="light" to="/getting-started/">Getting Started</Button>
